2017 Santa Cruz Half-Marathon

So, they changed the course this year! I was much slower than I was last year–I could feel it! Yet, my official race results show that I was running an 8:10 pace. My GPS watch shows I was running more like an 8:29 (which seems more accurate!).

I wasn’t expecting a PR this year anyway. I have not been as diligent or as energetic in training. In fact, I’ve completely fallen off the marathon training plan with no hope of catching up! I did manage to run a couple of times during Spring break in Tahoe, but both runs were only 5 miles. My last distance run was a few weeks ago and, while it was supposed to be something like 15 or 16 miles, I only ran maybe 10??

So, I enjoyed this run for what it was: a beautiful run along the coast! I pretty much ignored my watch and just went with how I was feeling. Lots of gals passed me and I let them go by.

As always, when the kids and hubby show up, I’m pleased as punch and I get a little energy boost! This time, they were about a half-mile from the finish! I loved seeing them!

Official Stats:

Overall: 252/1521 (16.6%)
Gender: 72/861 (8.3%)
Age Group (40-49): 16/199 (8%)
5.5 mile: 43:37 (7:55 min/mile)
Final Time: 1:47:04
Pace: 8:10 min/mile

An empty beach!



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